A Thank You to the Victorian PYP Network

As we head towards the end of an extremely busy 2012 school year Humanitus would like to express their heartfelt gratitude once again to the PYP network for their very generous donation of $5000 this year which will help continued support of the Mkak Primary School and their wider community.
IMG 1058

Mkak - Second Classroom for Grades 5 and 6

Mkak Primary School – New classrooms in process of being built.
School Logo

New School Logo

Denzil Sprague has designed a very impressive and apt logo/badge for the Pichey Rangsey School. At the moment the logo is on their sports uniforms however it will eventually be on their school uniforms at only $1 per badge.
School Football Excursion 19

School Soccer Team Excursion

On the 6th October 40 would be football stars from Pichey Rangsey School went on a school excursion to the Navy training centre near Phnom Penh for football training, a pork and rice lunch and to later watch a practice match played by the Cambodian Eagles Football Team.
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